How I’ll use tech to improve myself in 2023

2 min readJan 4, 2023

In her article, Sarah Chaney suggests four ways to use tech in 2023.

# 1 — Learn a new skill

I know SAS well and Statistics Canada is encouraging employers to learn R Programming I’ve started a course through Data Camp and follow courses on LinkedIn through my local library.

#2 — Start a side-hustle

I don’t need the income or want the stress.. Medium is more than enough to satisfy me.

# 3 — Stay in Closer Contact With Friends and Family

We’ve been doing a weekly video chat with out-of-town friends since lock-down days. My brother set up a private family group on Facebook and updates pop up on my phone and tablet several times a day.

# 4 — Reduce Screen Time

I would miss several things on my no-screen days: responding to Medium articles, reading ebooks, and playing chess. On those days, I’d spend more time in prayer, spiritual reading, crocheting squares while listening to audio-books or podcasts, or playing cards with my husband.

Something else maybe?




Married 25 years. Retired SAS programmer from Statistics Canada. Member of Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites since 2008. Love chess..