I could never go completely without paper. I'm about 50-50 with digital and pen/paper mode. I have several devices that sync together. I read Medium on my phone at the check-out or in the car (not driving! lol).
If there's an article I want to read or one I've read and plan to comment on, I record it in Zoho Notes. I do free-writes from quotes or other inspiration with pen and paper. I just staple together cheap looseleaf sheets with an unruled sheet on the top for this because it gives me permission to be messy.
I write as fast as I can to keep up with my thoughts. I can always read what I wrote though I often don't bother.
I write drafts for my Medium stories/articles longhand then type/edit in Google Docs on my laptop or with my iPad and bluetooth when I'm away from home. I always do my final versions in Medium with my laptop because I use a text app containing quotes and links from Medium articles. In my browser, I have ProWriting Aid where I paste paragraphs from my Google Docs draft. I make corrections and paste the revised paragraphs into the Medium editor.
Try doing all that on a tablet!