I find Bing Copilot an awesome replacement for Google searching. While with friends who were discussing some theological topics, I typed this into Copilot "In bullet points, list the differences between Calvinism and Armenianism concerning salvation." I waited for the response, handed my tablet to my husband, and returned to the kitchen to help my friend prepare dinner.
I use a PDF summarizer while doing research for articles. It lets me filter out which documents don't relate to the angle I'm considering. It also alerts me to documents that could contain relevant quotes. I haven't tried using AI to generate outlines. That's my next experiment.
I want to write about the problems with the prosperity gospel. With AI, I can get a bullet list description of it. It occurred to me that there might be similarities between the prosperity gospel and the "law of attraction" proposed by the New Age movement. That's the connection a human would make that AI might not.