I’m not even ready to WRITE every day in my journal or anywhere else. I want to. I know I should. But I don’t—not yet, at least. You are at least writing every day.
I was just commenting on another story “How to Write and Publish Articles that Get Noticed”. Anne Bonner publishes three to five articles per month. She’s been writing on Medium for just four months and gets 100K views per month.
It doesn’t look like publishing every day makes a difference. Quality does.There’s a lot that goes into writing a story with substance. It can’t be rushed. It must NEVER be rushed. I’m hardly qualified to give any writing advice, but everything in me feels certain that you’re on the right path.
Writing every day may or may not be a myth. Publishing every day must be. Thirty years ago, before internet, before blogging, no one in their right mind would suggest “publishing” every day! It wasn’t even possible.