I’ve been on Medium for 5 weeks and have bookmarked 600+ stories, commented on 80 so far, and I’ve no way of counting how many I read because I don’t archive all of them.
When I see a title that intrigues me, I copy it to a notebook app that syncs from my Android phone to my iPad. I do this while in the car or waiting in line at the grocery store. I add these titles to a Google Doc then print them. This response is #1 on my second page of 30 titles I plan to comment on.
Most of my saved titles are about improving my writing skills, especially those encouraging writing more often. I definitely need to branch out into other areas since I have a wide variety of interests.
I follow both writers and publications so I don’t know when I’ll have time to read anything besides Medium! I wonder if the views on the detailed comments I write count toward any income in the Partnership Program. I think the titles that Medium sends my way are based more on my reading history than on the topics I checked off when I registered.
My branching out strategy will be to focus on a publication, to which I plan to submit stories. I’ll read everything on it, unless the content is over my head. Science, economics and politics are topics I’ll pass over. I want to read stories I can intelligently comment on. This will give me ideas for my own non-fiction stories.