2 min readJan 12, 2021


I've read most of Jane Austen's books. Emma's got to be my least favourite character. If I'm entirely honest with myself, it's because she reminds me so much OF myself! Hardly flattering, but there it is. I thoroughly enjoyed your analysis of Emma's character, pointing out what Jane Austen knew about what it takes to be successful.

Lesson 1: Jane knew the importance of finishing the job.

I was in my late 40s before I started finishing things. I learned that having a hard time finishing things is a common characteristic of adults who grew up in dysfunction. In my case, I was trapped between the two deadly "Ps", perfectionism and procrastination. Now that I'm in my 60s and tend to finish more things than I ever did before, I've made peace with the "boring middle".

Lesson 2: Jane knew natural talent could be a problem.

I doubt in my case the problem is natural gifts in too many areas, just too much interest. I work very diligently at something for a few weeks or months, then get interested in something else. I tend to cycle through a few different things during any 12-18 month period. Some of these don't really have a "finishing point"; with the piano, it's a matter of ongoing skill enhancement.

Lesson 3: Jane knew it is easy to be a fake expert.

I don't care to be seen as an expert in anything. I usually stop doing an activity because my interest was captured by something else. I usually go back to the original activity several times over the years. In the case of writing, this "cycle" which started in August 2019 is still going strong.

Lesson 4: Jane knew that the fake expert is always revealed.

I liked Jane a whole lot more than Emma. Jane had "substance" in her quiet way. I'd much rather be like Jane who has the kind of focus and determination it takes to be an "expert". I'd like to BE an expert. I just don't care if others know about it or not.




Written by kit_carmelite

Married 25 years. Retired SAS programmer from Statistics Canada. Member of Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites since 2008. Love chess..

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