2 min readJan 9, 2021


Now that I'm retired and in lock-down with writing as a hobby and not a profession, I have no priorities. Very few things in my life are time-bound. I have a few e-greetings to do and a couple of appointments in any given month. I do a lot of other stuff, but none of it is time-bound.

In your self-knowledge list, your 2nd item was: "I struggle to prioritize things. Everything, every idea, seems equally important." For me, each thing seems equally fascinating. Each calls to me with an equally loud siren call. I could probably limit my list to 6 things for a day, but I can't order them by importance.

Choosing the 6 things of the 50+ on my master list is a major ordering feat in itself. I often end up doing 3 things on my day's list and the rest from my other list, or even something that's not on any list yet. That thing will get added and immediately crossed off. You gotta love the dopamine rush crossing an item off gives you!

I like experimenting with productivity systems because I have a wide variety of interests and activities which I try to keep in balance. I usually fail miserably, focusing a lot of attention on a few and entirely neglecting many others.

I don't want to entirely forget about these others so I have a master list that I look at once a month or sometimes once a quarter. Since I started writing on in August 2019, then on Medium in September 2020, there are a lot of activities that haven't seen the light of day for well over a year.

Maybe I'm giving too much effort toward writing and need to take time away from it to engage in one or two of these other activities (taking online courses, reading, playing piano, sudoku puzzles to name a few).

I resist that idea because I'm afraid it will be too hard to come back to writing if I put it aside for even a few days. I don't write every day and I know it's something I need to find a strategy for. I can make the time. It's figuring out what to write about when I do sit down to it. Lately, it's been responding to Medium articles.




Written by kit_carmelite

Married 25 years. Retired SAS programmer from Statistics Canada. Member of Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites since 2008. Love chess..

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