Praying Rosary For Spiritual Growth
Petitions with a theme that matches the mystery for the decade
After announcing the mystery and before praying the “Our Father”, I ask Our Lady to help me improve an aspect of my spiritual life. I show these in Medium’s quote font to set them apart from the rest of the rosary.
The Joyful Mysteries:
The Annunciation
When the Angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would conceive Jesus.
Blessed Mother, help me to say a prompt unconditional “yes” to whatever God will allow in my life.
The Visitation
When Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth, who was also expecting a child (John the Baptist).
Blessed Mother, help me to bring Jesus to others through corporal and spiritual works of mercy.
The Nativity
The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.
Blessed Mother, help me to increase in poverty of spirit and embrace simplicity of life
The Presentation
When Jesus was presented in the Temple and Simeon and Anna recognized him as the Messiah.
Blessed Mother, help me to recognize and love…