We need to filter what’s coming at us. It’s not just the negativity of the topic but the sheer volume of content. This is especially true for active creators. We need periods of rest. I have a tendency to consume way too much content when I’m in “research mode”, which can last from several days to a couple of weeks. I find myself on the verge of collaspe from information overload.
If I were also consuming news as well, I’d be in trouble. I need to start putting some boundaries on how much I read and at what times of night that I do it. It creates insomnia, which then drives me to consume far too much caffeine. My mind is in constant over-drive and this prevents me from listening within to know what I’m supposed to write about that day or to come up with new ideas for my running list.
I don’t like the idea of blocking people either. Because I want to keep the volume of content coming to me at a manageable level, I need to limit the number of people I follow. I can’t afford to follow someone whose content sucks out my life, giving nothing useful to replenish what it took.