What Does “Living” Mean for You?

What keeps you from choosing your path?

2 min readMar 2, 2024
Quote: We cannot put off living until we are ready.

What are the signs of “readiness” we’re looking for? What do we expect “living” to cost us that we aren’t willing to pay? What do we think “living” will demand of us that we’re not sure will be worth it?

Do we, in our “putting off”, realize at some inner depth that we’re not living? If so, what is sparking this awareness?

Do we discern the difference between mere existence that is purely biological and living that is entirely other?

With living, there is meaning. A snail exists. We are more than a composition of chemicals that someone could sell for a few dollars. We’re designed for more than mere existence, and the desire for this is integrated in the fiber of our being.

Living includes a purpose we’re supposed to pursue. We could discover this purpose if we’re willing to try new things and are in touch with our inner selves. To do this, we must stop, be still, be silent, reflect, respond to what we recognize within, and choose a path.

Choosing and following a path is the cost because you sacrifice all other paths. If you refuse to choose, you sacrifice all paths, including the one you could have chosen. If you put off choosing, you put off living.




Married 25 years. Retired SAS programmer from Statistics Canada. Member of Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites since 2008. Love chess..