You make good points, but it's still a very judgemental stance. I write in coffee shops because that is the only place I can deeply focus. Though people around me are conversing, they're not talking to ME. I have my earphones on with focus music to drown out everything around me so noise isn't a problem. I can't work at home because of interruptions and other distractions. Home does NOT equal silence for the majority of people. If it does for you, you're priviledged. By all means, stay home.
I'm not there to be seen. No one talks to me, and I don't want them to. It's because I AM serious about my writing that I write in a coffee shop near me. I find a quiet corner where I can be ignored. I'm not there to be noticed. At my table, I'm alone and in my cocoon. My earphones signal others that I don't want conversation. In my culture, people don't intrude on others to make conversation unless they're already acquainted. Even then, they leave you alone if you look busy. Trust me, I ALWAYS look busy!
Bars are WAY noisier than coffee shops.